Cooking Mama: Cookstar

A cooking themed game where meals are prepared though minigames.

I worked on this as part of a larger team, with the bulk of my work consisting of creating 3D models of food and props, animations and animation controllers, food and environment textures, and some particle effects.

Moby Games Credits (credited as Michael Weiler)

Animation/Tech Examples

I modeled, textured, and skinned this fish model onto a preexisting skeleton and animations.

The hands, waffle, animations, and animation controller were all created by me. The hands were built to be used in multiple minigames.

This was a more complicated setup to build. I created two separate models/rigs for this: the sushi and the Makisu (bamboo mat). The sushi model has bones and blendshapes for the rice and cucumbers which get animated and then hidden as the sushi gets rolled up. The Makisu has a similar bone count and position to the sushi to prevent clipping as they both roll up together.

I made this scene by modifying assets provided by the client. The logs, charcoal effect, flames, and smoke were created and animated by me from scratch though.

I created all three meat models that appear in this scene. The ground meat chunks that fall out of the grinder have a simple bone-chain to allow for the model to bend as it animates.

Model Examples

1st Playable Productions

Nintendo Switch


This poutine model, textures, and gravy pouring effect were created by me. The gravy pouring over the food is achieved by animating the offset of an alpha texture within a second UV channel projected from the side.

The model, rig, textures, and animations of this burrito wrapping mini-game were all built by me within Blender and hooked up in Unity.

I modeled, textured, and skinned this squid model onto a preexisting skeleton and animations.

The smoothie in the glass was made by utilizing a combination of multiple blendshapes with offsetting and scaling the texture’s UVs to prevent squishing of the pixels and reveal the different colored layers. The stir blending was accomplished by fading between different textures within the material.

I made these cookies by first creating a completed cookie model, and then making an unbaked “ball” blendshape of that cookie to be used in the baking animation. The material also blends between the two baked and unbaked textures.

I made this Baked Alaska model in Blender using a hand-painted height map applied to high-resolution hemisphere mesh. The high-res model was then used to bake a normal map for the lower poly version of the model that is used in game.

The rolled ice cream, Pocky, and container were my contributions to this final dish.

The chili model, textures, and bowl were my contribution to this completed dish

I designed and created this spicy nacho chip bag and for use in a minigame where it gets crushed multiple times by a hammer.

I designed and painted the 1st Playable splash screen seen when the game is booting up.